Breastfeeding, lactation + feeds
- ArticleHow babies breastfeed: the biomechanics of infant suck (video & animation)
- ArticleHow babies breastfeed: the biomechanics of infant suck (short animation)
- ArticleHow to hand express your colostrum or milk
- ArticleDemonstration of paced bottle feeding. Renee Keogh RN IBCLC, NDC Educator
- ArticleRestricted infant oral connective tissue: how this diagnosis became so common + who has (and hasn't) benefited. Dr Pamela Douglas February 2024
- ArticleA history of the dramatic increase in tongue tie diagnoses over the past two decades. Dr Wendy Burton and Dr Pamela Douglas, 2019
- ArticleAbout the publication critiquing the scientific rigour of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine's Clinical Protocol #36 'The Mastitis Spectrum'. Dr Pamela Douglas, 13 October 2023