Robyn Fitzgerald is a Melbourne-based midwife, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and NDC provider. She has been consulting by telehealth throughout the lockdown that became necessary again in Melbourne during a second wave of COVID-19 infections. In this conversation with Dr Pamela Douglas, Robyn discusses why the second wave stay-at-home regulations have been particularly difficult for new mothers. Robyn also talks about the most common problems brought to her, and the advice she finds she is repeatedly offering to these courageous women.
A midwife-lactation consultant explores the most common challenges faced by women with babies during lockdown. Robyn Fitzgerald Australia, 2020 Baby September 2020
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Possums, also known as Neuroprotective Developmental care, is a paradigm shift in infant and parent wellbeing. We offer evidence-based, research-backed, wrap-around evolutionary care for new families, aiming to ensure every family has the tools to grow joy in early life.