Screenshots 11_12_24 taken on a laptop in New York City
Click on The Possums Clinic/GM:
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Click on read about our approach to baby sleep:
Click on FAQs
Please note that there is only one ‘science-based’ approach, which draws on cued care, to reducing frequency of night-waking in the research literature, which is the Possums Sleep Program. The Possums Sleep Program uniquely applies circadian medicine to infant care.
Please note that the Possums Five Domain Approach is unique, and there is nothing else similar in the research literature as an approach to common infantcare problems which present to health professionals. Growlife Medical refers to the Five Domain Approach, which they claim as their own, but don’t appropriately and ethically name it as Possums/NDC’s unique approach. Possums/NDC is unique because it integrates clinical approaches across these five domains. It is not a kind of generic, evidence-based approach as Growlife Medical claims.